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REVISA (Online) ; 13(1): 186-196, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532073


Objetivo: descrever as dificuldades de adaptação dos familiares cuidadores de pacientes portadores de Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA), cadastrados na central de Medicamentos de Alto Custo da Regional de Saúde Pirineus, na cidade de Anápolis -GO. Método: Trata-se de um estudo de abordagem qualitativa com o método descritivo. Os participantes foram previamente selecionados mediante adequação aos critérios de inclusão e concordância em fazer parte da pesquisa. A coleta de dados deu-se em local escolhido pelos mesmos, por meio de entrevista gravada em smartphone. A análise dos dados deu-se concomitante e após o termino da coleta. Resultados:Para a obtenção dos resultados e discussão foram entrevistados 4 (quatro) estão apresentados em 6 categorias, sendo elas: dificuldades para o cuidado; sobrecarga do cuidador; aceitação familiar; arendizado e dúvidas dos cuidadores; sobre atendimento; adaptação para os cuidados no núcleo familiar. Diante disto evidenciou-se as implicações ligadas a equipe de saúde, que são: a necessidade da equipe de saúde se manter informada não só sobre as mudanças relacionadas a doença, como também as dificuldades enfrentadas pela família, para que seja auxiliada em relação às suas dúvidas e durante a adaptação e a progressão da doença. Conclusão:estudo procura trazer um novo olhar que vai além do paciente, evidenciando as necessidades da família, tratando não somente o paciente, mas também cada família dentro de suas particularidades

Objective:describe the adaptation difficulties of family caregivers of patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), registered at the High-Cost Medication center of the Pirineus Regional Health in the city of Anápolis -GO. Method:This is a qualitative approach study using a descriptive method. Participants were previously selected based on inclusion criteria and agreement to participate in the research. Data collection took place at a location chosen by them, through interviews recorded on a smartphone. Dataanalysis was conducted concurrently with and after data collection. Results:For the results and discussion, 4 (four) were interviewed and are presented in 6 categories: difficulties in care; caregiver burden; family acceptance; learning and doubts of caregivers; about care; adaptation to care in the family nucleus. This evidenced the implications linked to the health team, which are: the need for the health team to stay informed not only about changes related to the disease but also about the difficultiesfaced by the family, so that they can be assisted regarding their doubts and during the adaptation and progression of the disease. Conclusion:the study seeks to bring a new perspective that goes beyond the patient, highlighting the needs of the family, treating not only the patient but also each family within its particularities.

Objetivo: Describir las dificultades de adaptación de los cuidadores familiares de pacientes con Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA), registrados en el Centro de Medicamentos de Alto Costo de la Región Sanitaria Pirineus, en la ciudad de Anápolis -GO. Método:Estudio cualitativo con método descriptivo. Los participantes fueron previamente seleccionados de acuerdo con el cumplimiento de los criterios de inclusión y el acuerdo para participar en la investigación. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo en un lugar elegido por ellos, a través de entrevistas grabadas en un teléfono inteligente. El análisis de los datos se realizó de forma concomitante y una vez finalizada la recolección de datos. Resultados:Para obtener los resultados y la discusión, 4 (cuatro) encuestados son presentados en 6 categorías, a saber: dificultades para el cuidado; carga del cuidador; aceptación familiar; y dudas de los cuidadores; sobre el servicio al cliente; Adaptación al cuidado en el núcleo familiar. Frente a esto, se evidenciaron las implicaciones relacionadas con el equipo de salud, las cuales son: la necesidad de que el equipo de salud esté informado no solo sobre los cambios relacionados a la enfermedad, sino también sobre las dificultades enfrentadas por la familia, para que puedan ser ayudados en relación a sus dudas y durante la adaptación y progresión de la enfermedad. Conclusión:este estudio busca aportar una nueva mirada que vaya más allá del paciente, resaltando las necesidades de la familia, tratando no solo al paciente, sinotambién a cada familia dentro de sus particularidades.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , Patient Care Team , Caregivers
Cienc. Salud (St. Domingo) ; 8(1): [8], 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551363


Introducción: La enfermedad crónica infantil se refiere a condiciones en pacientes pediátricos que generalmente son de duración prolongada, no se resuelven por sí solas, y están asociadas con deficiencia o discapacidad. Esta condición usualmente afecta las actividades normales del niño y requiere hospitalizaciones frecuentes, atención médica domiciliaria y/o atención médica extensa, lo que suele afectar además de quien lo padece a sus cuidadores, quienes con frecuencia presentan características asociadas a estrés y agotamiento llegando a provocar enfermedades físicas y mentales como parte del "síndrome de sobrecarga del cuidador". Metodología: Se realizó una encuesta a cuidadores de pacientes pediátricos del Hospital Pediátrico Doctor Hugo Mendoza, el instrumento de recolección incluye 9 ítems que evalúa la presencia y gravedad de síntomas depresivos en las últimas 2 semanas previas a la entrevista, y los datos fueron analizados en el Programa estadístico SPSS. El estudio contó con la aprobación del comité de ética institucional del Hospital y los participantes otorgaron su consentimiento voluntario explícito antes de la recopilación de datos. Resultados: Al aplicar la clasificación de la escala del BAI, se evidencia que, del total de cuidadores encuestados, el 76.7% parecía sufrir de ansiedad muy baja, un 20.9% de ansiedad moderada y 2.3% de ansiedad severa. Se aplicó la la escala PHQ9, una escala que mide la presencia de síntomas depresivos y mostró que el 41.9 % presenta un nivel leve, 39.5% un nivel mínimo, 16.3% un nivel moderado y por último solo 2.3% un nivel moderado-grave de síntomas depresivos. Discusión: En nuestro estudio hubo igual distribución de hombres y de mujeres. Conclusión: El diagnóstico infantil no juega un papel determinante en la aparición de la ansiedad y la depresión.

Introduction: Chronic childhood disease refers to conditions in pediatric patients that are generally of prolonged duration, do not resolve on their own, and are associated with deficiency or disability. This condition normally affects the normal activities of the child and requires frequent hospitalizations, home health care and/or extensive medical care, which will affect, in addition to those who will usually suffer from it, their caregivers, who often have characteristics associated with stress and exhaustion, reaching causing physical and mental illness as part of "caregiver overload syndrome". Methodology: A survey was conducted on caregivers of pediatric patients at the Doctor Hugo Mendoza Pediatric Hospital, the collection instrument includes 9 items that assess the presence and severity of depressive symptoms in the last 2 weeks prior to the interview, and the data were analyzed in the statistical program SPSS. The study was approved by the institutional ethics committee of the Hospital and the participants gave their explicit voluntary consent before data collection. Results: When applying the classification of the BAI scale, it is evident that, of the total number of caregivers surveyed, 76.7% seemed to suffer from very low anxiety, 20.9% from moderate anxiety and 2.3% from severe anxiety. The PHQ9 scale was applied, a scale that measures the presence of depressive symptoms and showed that 41.9% present a mild level, 39.5% a minimum level, 16.3% a moderate level and finally only 2.3% a moderate-severe level of depressive symptoms. Discussion: In our study there was equal distribution of men and women. Conclusion: Childhood diagnosis does not play a determining role in the appearance of anxiety and depression.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Mental Health , Caregiver Burden , Chronic Disease , Dominican Republic
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 70(2): e20230494, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529378


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between caregiver burden, family adaptation, partnership, growth, affection, and resolve score, anxiety levels, and the perceived social support of the relatives of patients who had open heart surgery. METHODS: Volunteers among the relatives of patients who had open heart surgery in our cardiovascular surgery clinic and were followed up in the first 3 months were included in the study. The cardiovascular surgeons recorded the sociodemographic data of the relatives of the patients and directed them to a psychiatry clinic for further evaluation. The caregiver burden scale, family adaptation, partnership, growth, affection, and resolve scale, anxiety level scale, and perceived social support scale were applied to the relatives of the patients who participated in the study. RESULTS: Within the scope of the study, a total of 51 individuals, 29.4% (n=15) men and 70.6% (n=36) women, were included in the evaluation. The participants' ages ranged from 32 to 68 years, with an average age of 48 years. There was a statistically significant relationship between the caregiving burden scale score and the scale scores other than age (p<0.05). There was a statistically significant difference in terms of caregiving burden scale score, working status, physical and psychological problems, changes in home life, and changes in family relationships (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The fact that the need for security and intimacy is related to anxiety and depression can be interpreted as the caregiving problems of the relatives of the patients who think that their patients are safe and feel closer to the intensive care personnel will decrease. Their depression and anxiety levels will also decrease.

São Paulo med. j ; 142(2): e2023325, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551073


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The Positive Aspects of Caregiving (PAC) scale is used to assess psychosocial benefits provided to caregivers by the task of caring. The PAC scale consists of nine items, assessed using a five-point Likert scale, with higher values indicating greater positive perceptions and gains from the caregiving experience. OBJECTIVE: To translate and culturally adapt the PAC scale for informal Brazilian caregivers of people with dementia. DESIGN AND SETTING: A methodological study was conducted at the Federal University of São Carlos. METHODS: The following stages were carried out: Translation; Synthesis of the translations; Back-translation; Evaluation by an experts' committee; and Pre-test. RESULTS: Two independent professionals translated the PAC scale. The consensus version was obtained by merging both translations, which were back-translated into English by a third translator. The expert committee comprised three specialists in the area and project researchers. All scale items presented a Content Validity Index of 1 (CVI = 1.0), and thus remained in the pre-final version of the instrument. The instrument was pre-tested with seven caregivers of people with dementia, the majority of whom were women (57.1%), with a degree of kinship corresponding to sons/daughters (57.1%) and an average age of 55.2 (± 4.1) years. The caregivers considered it clear and understandable and made no suggestions for changes. CONCLUSION: The PAC scale was translated and culturally adapted for use by informal caregivers of people with dementia in Brazil. However, a psychometric analysis of the instrument is necessary to provide normative data for this population group.

Rev. chil. enferm ; 5(2): 57-68, dic. 2023. 3 tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526473


Introducción: Ser cuidador informal de pacientes pediátricos con epilepsia, implica una serie de desafíos que pueden repercutir en su salud, uno de ellos es el nivel de sobrecarga que experimenta. Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de sobrecarga, características sociodemográficas y de cuidado del cuidador informal de pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico de epilepsia. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, transversal. Participaron 89 cuidadores de pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico de epilepsia durante el 2021. Se aplicó una encuesta que consultaba datos sociodemográficos, del cuidado y la Escala de Zarit para medir el nivel de sobrecarga del cuidador. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para presentar resultados. Resultados: Existe predominio del género femenino en un 97% para el cuidado del paciente pediátrico con diagnóstico de epilepsia. La mayoría de las cuidadoras perciben bajos ingresos económicos y dedican más de 8 horas al cuidado, además de no tener apoyo permanente en el rol de cuidado. Seis de diez cuidadores poseen algún nivel de sobrecarga. Conclusiones: Los cuidadores de pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico de epilepsia están sometidos a sobrecarga, ya sea ligera o intensa. El perfil de los cuidadores es género femenino, estado civil de soltera, ingreso económico por bajo el sueldo mínimo de Chile, alto porcentaje de ausentismo laboral y falta de apoyo para el cuidado. Se identifica desigualdad de género en materia de este cuidado y la imperiosa necesidad de reformar las actuales políticas públicas de cuidado enfatizando el apoyo a los cuidadores informales.

Introduction: Informal caregivers of pediatric patients with epilepsy confront a myriad of challenges that may adversely affect their health, with one prominent challenge being the magnitude of the burden they experience. Objective: This study aims to ascertain the level of burden, sociodemographic characteristics, and caregiving attributes among informal caregivers of pediatric patients diagnosed with epilepsy. Methodology: A descriptive, quantitative, and cross-sectional study was conducted, involving the participation of 89 caregivers of pediatric patients diagnosed with epilepsy in 2021. A survey was administered to gather sociodemographic and caregiving-related information, along with the application of the Zarit Scale to quantify the caregiver burden. Descriptive statistics were employed to present the findings. Results: Among the caregivers of pediatric patients with epilepsy, 97% were female. The majority of caregivers had a low income, dedicated more than 8 hours to caregiving responsibilities, and lacked consistent support in their caregiving role. Six out of ten caregivers reported experiencing some degree of burden. Conclusions: Caregivers of pediatric patients diagnosed with epilepsy encounter varying degrees of burden, ranging from mild to intense. The prevalent caregiver profile is characterized by females, often single, with incomes below the Chilean minimum wage, high rates of absenteeism, and insufficient support in their caregiving responsibilities. Gender disparities in caregiving are evident, emphasizing the urgent need to reform current public policies on caregiving, with a particular focus on bolstering support for informal caregivers.

Introdução: Ser um cuidador informal de pacientes pediátricos com epilepsia envolve uma série de desafios que podem ter repercussões em sua saúde, sendo um deles o nível de sobrecarga experimentado. Objetivo: Determinar o nível de sobrecarga, as características sociodemográficas e de cuidado dos cuidadores informais de pacientes pediátricos com diagnóstico de epilepsia. Metodologia: estudo descritivo, quantitativo e transversal. Oitenta e nove cuidadores de pacientes pediátricos com diagnóstico de epilepsia durante 2021 participaram. Foi aplicada uma pesquisa que consultou dados sociodemográficos e de cuidados e a Escala Zarit para medir o nível de sobrecarga do cuidador. Estatísticas descritivas foram usadas para apresentar os resultados. Resultados: 97% dos cuidadores eram do sexo feminino, e 97% eram do sexo feminino quando cuidavam de pacientes pediátricos com epilepsia. A maioria dos cuidadores tem baixa renda e gasta mais de 8 horas no cuidado, além de não ter apoio permanente na função de cuidador. Seis em cada dez cuidadores apresentam algum nível de sobrecarga. Conclusões: Os cuidadores de pacientes pediátricos com diagnóstico de epilepsia estão sujeitos a sobrecarga, seja ela leve ou intensa. O perfil dos cuidadores é do sexo feminino, solteiros, com renda inferior ao salário-mínimo chileno, uma alta porcentagem de absenteísmo e falta de apoio para o cuidado. É identificada a desigualdade de gênero no cuidado e a necessidade urgente de reformar as políticas públicas atuais sobre o cuidado, com ênfase no apoio aos cuidadores informais.

RECIIS (Online) ; 17(3): 517-530, jul.-set. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517143


A Plataforma Zelo Saúde (PZS) é uma tecnologia mSaúde de apoio ao cuidado de pessoas idosas. Este artigo apresenta um estudo de usabilidade que analisou a utilização da PZS por 68 cuidadores/familiares de pessoas idosas dependentes por 10 semanas. Foram preenchidos um formulário pré- e outro pós-uso do aplicativo, e foi feita uma série de perguntas visando ao monitoramento semanal. Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se o software SPSS® v.25. Os resultados indicaram que a plataforma foi simples de usar e de fácil compreensão. A PZS alcançou uma nota média, na avaliação de usabilidade, de 8,9 ± 1,6 na escala de 0 a 10 da System Usability Scale, e possibilitou não só o acesso dos cuidadores/familiares às informações clínico-funcionais, à rotina de cuidados, aos medicamentos em uso, como também a comunicação entre eles e os profissionais de saúde por meio de chat. A plataforma conta também com vídeos educativos, no contexto da atenção básica à saúde e dos serviços de atenção domiciliar, mostrando-se uma ferramenta de apoio ao cuidado de pessoas idosas em seus domicílios

The Zelo Saúde Platform (PZS) is an mHealth technology to support the care of the elderly. This article presents a usability study that analyzed the use of the PZS by 68 caregivers/relatives of dependent elderly people for 10 weeks. Pre- and post-use forms were illed by participants and a set of questions aiming weekly monitoring was answered. For data analysis, SPSS® v.25 software was used. The results indicated that the platform was simple to use and easy to understand. The PZS achieved an average usability score of 8.9 ± 1.6 on a scale of 0 to 10 of the System Usability Scale, and enabled caregivers/family members to access to functional status information, routine care, medications in use, and permitted the communication between them and health professionals through chat. The platform also includes educational videos, in the context of primary health care and home care services, proving to be a tool to support the home care of elderly people

La Plataforma Zelo Saúde (PZS) es una tecnología mHealth (salud móvil) para apoyar el cuidado de las personas mayores. Este artículo presenta un estudio de usabilidad que analizó el uso de la PZS por parte de 68 cuidadores/familiares de personas mayores dependientes durante 10 semanas. Fueron llenados un formulario previo y otro posterior a la utilización de la aplicación, y se formularon diversas preguntas con vistas al seguimiento semanal. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó el software SPSS® v.25. Los resultados indicaron que la plataforma era sencilla de usar y fácil de entender. La PZS alcanzó una calificación media de usabilidad de 8,9 ± 1,6 en una escala de 0 a 10 de la System Usability Scale, y permitió a los cuidadores/familiares acceder a la información clínico funcional, a los cuidados de rutina, a los medicamentos en uso y permitó también la comunicación entre ellos y los profesionales de la salud a través de chat. La plataforma cuenta aun con videos educativos, en el contexto de la atención primaria de salud y de los servicios de atención domiciliaria, demostrando ser una herramienta de apoyo al cuidado en el domicilio de personas mayores

Humans , Aged , Health Education , Caregivers , Mobile Applications , Technology , Public Health
Rev. colomb. enferm ; 22(1)Mayo 30, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1442440


Objetivo:describir las tendencias metodológicas, las poblaciones estudiadas y los desafíos futuros reportados en la literatura sobre lasobrecarga delcuidador familiar colombiano.Métodos:revisión sistemática exploratoria en donde se consultaron las bases de datos PubMed, ScienceDirect, Lilacs, Cuiden, SciELO, EBSCO y BVS, específicamente artículos originalespublicados del 2016 al 2021. Resultados:en 20 artículos revisados, se encontró una relación directa entre condiciones socioeconómicas y la sobrecarga del cuidador. El contexto cultural y las condiciones socioeconómicas son factores que influyen en la percepción de la sobrecarga del cuidador. Conclusiones:son necesarias las intervenciones de enfermeríadirigidasa los cuidadores familiares para mejorar su percepción de la sobrecarga y consecuentemente la calidad de vida

Objective: To describe methodological trends, populations studied, and future challenges reported in the literature on Colombian family caregivers' overburden. Methods: An exploratory systematic review using PubMed, ScienceDirect, LILACS, Cuiden, SciELO, EBSCO, and VHL databases was conducted, specifically original articles published between 2016 and 2021 were reviewed. Results:In 20 articles reviewed, a direct relationship was found between socioeconomic conditions and caregiver's overburden. Cultural context and socioeconomic conditions are factors that influence the perception of caregiver's overburden. Conclusions:Nursing interventions aimed at family caregivers are needed to improve their perception of overburden and, consequently, their quality of life

Objetivo:Descrever as tendências metodológicas, as populações estudadas e os desafios futuros relatados na literatura desobrecarga do cuidador familiar colombiano. Métodos:Revisão sistemática exploratória na qual foram consultadas as bases de dados PubMed, ScienceDirect, Lilacs, Cuiden, SciELO, EBSCO e BVS, com artigos originais, publicados de 2016 a 2021. Resultados:Em 20 artigos revisados, foi encontrada uma relação direta entre condições socioeconômicas e a sobrecarga do cuidador. O contexto cultural e as condições socioeconômicas são fatores que influenciam na percepção da sobrecarga do cuidador. Conclusões:As intervenções de enfermagem voltadas a cuidadores familiares são necessárias para melhorar sua percepção de sobrecarga e, consequentemente, sua qualidade de vida.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219689


Objective: Design a proposal of educational intervention for both, people who live with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 and their family caregiver. Methodology: Methodology. A case series study was conducted with the participation of 12 people living with type 2 diabetes mellitus and attending a Mutual Help Group in Pachuquilla, Hidalgo. Sociodemographic data, somatometric measurements (weight, height, BMI, waist circumference), blood pressure, and capillary blood samples for glycosylated hemoglobin were collected. Results: The mean age was 64 and range of 39-79 years, O.D. of 12; 67% women; 25% finished secondary school, 50% worked at home, 17% in commerce, 33% unemployed; 58% married, 25% widowed, and 17% divorced and in common law; 33.% with less than 5 years diagnosed, 67% have been diagnosed for more than 5 years; 75% depend economically; 67% have complications, 75% with family support, in diabetes knowledge 33% obtained intermediate score and 67% inadequate score; the weight average was of 77 kg and range of 57-116.5 kg, and O.D. 17 kg; in waist circumference, 100% exceed the recommended limit, in BMI, 50% is classified as overweight and 50% as obese; in blood pressure 50% > 130/80 mmHg and in glycosylated hemoglobin 75% > 7% mg/dl. Conclusion: The currently implemented strategy does not reflect good knowledge and control of the disease. This study invites us to continue with research where an educational intervention is implemented in which family caregivers are included and active participation is encouraged, in addition to implementing the IEP as a theoretical basis for the intervention.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1892-1898, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990424


Objective:To investigate the relationship and intrinsic mechanism between disease uncertainty, coping style, social support and caregiver burden of primary caregivers of stroke, in order to provide a theoretical basis for reducing the burden of care and improving the quality of care for stroke caregivers.Methods:In this study, the main caregivers of 314 stroke patients hospitalized in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region People's Hospital from December 2021 to May 2022 were selected by convenience sampling method, and cross-sectional surveys were conducted using the general data questionnaire, the Family Scale of Disease Uncertainty, the Simple Coping Style Questionnaire, the Social Support Rating Scale, and the Caregiver Burden Scale. Model 4 in Hayes′ SPSS-Process program was used to test the mediation effect, and Model 15 was used to test the mediation effect of social support.Results:The positive predictive effect of disease uncertainty in the primary caregiver of stroke patients on the burden of caregivers was significant ( β=0.665, P<0.01). Active coping played a partial mediating role between disease uncertainty and caregiver burden, with a mediating effect of 0.306 and a mediating effect of 31.8%. The interaction between disease uncertainty and social support had a significant predictive effect on caregiver burden ( β=-0.033, P<0.05), and the interaction item between active response and social support had a significant predictive effect on caregiver burden ( β=-0.019, P<0.05). Conclusions:Positive coping is an important psychological mechanism between disease uncertainty and caregiver burden, and social support can alleviate the influence of disease uncertainty on caregiver′s burden, and can also strengthen the weakening effect of positive coping on caregiver′s burden.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1235-1242, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990324


Objective:To determine the level of epilepsy knowledge of caregivers for children with epilepsy and analyze its influencing factors, and investigate caregivers' educational needs and their acceptance for remote education, in order to provide reference for clinical telenursing education.Methods:From March to September 2022, 221 caregivers of epileptic children in the outpatient department and ward of neurology department of Xuzhou Children's Hospital were recruited by convenient sampling method for cross-sectional investigation. The status of caregivers' knowledge and educational needs were investigated by the general information questionnaire, epilepsy knowledge questionnaire, epilepsy knowledge needs questionnaire and telenursing acceptance questionnaire, and the influencing factors of knowledge level were analyzed by multiple linear regression.Results:The average score of epilepsy knowledge of caregivers was (15.68 ± 6.43) points. The course of disease, taking medicine on time, education background and monthly income of caregivers were the influencing factors of caregivers' knowledge level, and the difference was statistically significant ( P <0.05). 94.12% (208/221)- 96.38% (213/221) of the caregivers had high educational needs, and they had the highest demand for safety guidance during seizures. Caregivers' acceptance of remote education was moderate, ranging from 34.39% (76/221) to 71.95% (159/221). Conclusions:Caregivers' epilepsy knowledge needs to be improved. Medical institutions should formulate education plans according to the different characteristics of caregivers. Caregivers have a high demand for nursing knowledge, and medical staff should increase health education. Before giving health education based on remote nursing platform, we should fully understand the attitude of caregivers to the platform, so that they can master disease knowledge, strengthen their disease management ability, and improve the quality of life of children.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 815-821, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990258


Objective:Based on cognitive behavioral therapy, to construct a physical and mental adjustment intervention plan for the main caregiver of cancer patients through the network platform.Methods:Through evidence-based literature published from July 2012 to July 2022 screening and evaluation, combined with qualitative interviews for 10 primary caregivers of cancer patients, the intervention plan for physical and mental adjustment of the main caregivers of cancer patients was preliminarily formulated. After consultation with Delphi experts (15 cases) through two rounds, the intervention plan was finally determined.Results:In the two rounds of expert letter inquiries, 15 questionnaires were distributed and 15 valid questionnaires were recovered. The effective recovery rate was 100.00% and the expert authority coefficient were 0.89 and 0.90 in the two rounds of expert letter inquiries respectively, the Kendall harmony coefficients were 0.279 and 0.323 respectively, and the differences were all statistically significant ( P<0.01). The intervention plan for physical and mental adjustment ofthe main caregivers of cancer patients included 5 first-level indicators (basic knowledge, symptom education, home care knowledge, relaxation training, social support), 27 second-level indicatorsand 54 third-level indicators. Conclusions:The method of the psychosomatic regulation intervention program is scientific and practical, which can be initially applied to the psychological adjustment of the main caregivers of cancer patients, so as to provide a reference for improving their negative emotions.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 699-706, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990240


Objective:A structural equation model of the influencing factors on caregiver preparedness at discharge of patients with chronic heart failure was constructed based on the individual and family self-management theory, and the main paths influencing caregiver preparedness were explored.Methods:This study was a cross-sectional survey. A total of 345 caregivers of patients with chronic heart failure who were hospitalized in the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University from October 2020 to August 2021 were selected as research objects by convenience sampling method, and they were investigated by Caregiver Preparedness Scale, Family APGAR Index, Herth Hope Index, Social Support-Rating Scale, Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire. The influencing factors on caregiver preparedness at discharge of patients with chronic heart failure were analyzed.Results:The total score of Caregiver Preparedness Scale, Family APGAR Index, Herth Hope Index, Social Support-Rating Scale, and Positive and Negative Coping Subscale of Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire in patients with chronic heart failure was (20.79 ± 4.92), (8.05 ± 1.43), (35.34 ± 4.47), (43.89 ± 6.56), (24.38 ± 5.21), (11.21 ± 4.26) points. Caregiver preparedness in patients with chronic heart failure was positively correlated with family function, hope, positive coping and social support ( r values were 0.213-0.383, all P<0.01), and negatively correlated with negative coping ( r=-0.546, P<0.01). Family function and social support in patients with chronic heart failure could directly or indirectly affect caregiver preparedness (total effect value: 0.380, 0.212), hope and negative coping directly affected caregiver preparedness (total effect value: 0.200, -0.433), and could account for 39% of the total variation in caregiver preparedness. Conclusions:Caregiver preparedness of patients with chronic heart failure needs further improvement. The effective ways to improve caregiver preparedness are to pay attention to family function, improve hope level, increase social support and reduce negative coping.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 215-221, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990163


Objective:To investigate the current situation of expected sadness of family caregivers of first stroke patients and analyze its influencing factors, so as to provide reference for the formulation of psychological decompression intervention program for family caregivers of stroke patients.Methods:Convenience sampling method was used to conduct cross-sectional survey of 212 family caregivers of first stroke patients who were hospitalized in the First Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University from March 2020 to May 2021, using general information questionnaires and Anticipatory Grief Scale and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale to investigate and anlalyzed its influencing factors.Results:The scare of anticipatory grief of the caregivers of first stroke patients was 87.93 ± 17.36. The results of multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that the age of family caregivers, psychological elasticity, the degree of relationship with patients, patients′ cognitive ability and self-care ability were the influencing factors of anticipatory grief of family caregivers of first stroke patients ( t values were -6.73 -11.77, P <0.05). Conclusions:The caregivers of first stroke patients have serious anticipatory grief. Staff should pay attention to the psychological conditions of the family caregivers and take effective measures to promote their physical and mental health.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 2-9, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990130


Objective:To explore the intervention effect of acceptance and commitment therapy on the psychological flexibility, self-compassion, anxiety and depression of the primary caregivers of patients with primary liver cancer, so as to provide reference for the clinical care of the primary caregivers of cancer patients.Methods:This was a prospective study. A total of 80 primary caregivers of patients with primary liver cancer treated in Tianyou Hospital Affiliated to Wuhan University of Science and Technology from July to December 2021 were selected as the observation objects, and they were randomly divided into the control group and the intervention group according to the random drawing method, with 40 cases in each group. The control group was given routine nursing measures, while the intervention group was given acceptance and commitment therapy on the basis of routine nursing. The intervention effect was evaluated by the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-2nd Edition (AAQ-Ⅱ), Self-Compassion Scale Short-Form (SCS-SF) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) before the intervention, on the day of discharge, and one month after discharge.Results:Finally, 71 primary caregivers completed the intervention and follow-up, 36 in the control group and 35 in the intervention group. Before the intervention, there was no statistically significant difference in the scores of AAQ-Ⅱ, SCS-SF, Anxiety subscale of HADS(HADS-A) and Depression subscale of HADS(HADS-D) between the two groups ( P>0.05). The AAQ-Ⅱscores of the intervention group on the day of discharge and one month after discharge were (19.63±2.59), (19.12 ± 2.20) points, which were significantly lower than those of the control group (23.14 ± 2.49), (22.56 ± 2.40) points. The differences were statistically significant ( t=5.83, 6.25, both P<0.01). The SCS-SF scores of the intervention group on the day of discharge and one month after discharge were (39.34 ± 2.68), (39.89 ± 2.81) points, which were significantly higher than those of the control group (36.69 ± 3.08), (37.72 ± 2.41) points, the differences were statistically significant ( t=-3.86, -3.49, both P<0.01). The HADS-A/HADS-D scores of the intervention group on the day of discharge and one month after discharge were (9.31 ± 1.95), (9.09 ± 1.60) points and (8.80 ± 2.15), (8.54 ± 1.75) points,which were significantly lower than those of the control group(11.42 ± 1.50), (11.03 ± 1.70) points and (10.11 ± 1.92), (10.03 ± 1.84) points, the differences were statistically significant( t values were 2.71-5.10, all P<0.01). The scores of AAQ-Ⅱ, SCS-SF, HADS-A and HADS-D of the two groups were analyzed by repeated measures analysis of variance, and there were significant differences in time effect, inter-group effect and interaction effect ( F vaules were 3.42-37.90, all P<0.05). Conclusions:Acceptance and commitment therapy can improve the self-compassion and psychological flexibility, reduce anxiety and depression of the primary caregivers of patients with primary liver cancer.

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences ; : 254-262, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988864


@#Introduction: Increasing prevalence of dementia and the associated caregiving burden are expected due to longer life expectancy. This review aimed to critically assess dementia-driven caregiving burden and the associated factors in Malaysia. Methods: A systematic search using several combinations of keywords was conducted in Ovid Medline, PubMed, Science Direct, ProQuest, and Ebscohost databases. The primary outcome was the score or level of caregiver burden, while the secondary outcome was the factors associated with such burden. The quality of the individual articles was assessed using the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale and the Joanna Briggs Institute checklist. Results: The systematic search resulted in seven studies being reviewed, consisting of six cross-sectional studies and one quasi-experimental study. Using the Zarit Burden Interview, two studies reported moderate caregiver burden with mean scores of 35.4 (15.08) and 46.0 (17.0). High levels of burden or strain were reported using the Caregiver Strain Index in other studies. The three main associated factors with burden identified in these studies were the presence of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), higher education level, and lack of social support. Conclusion: Moderate to severe caregiving burden level were found to be experienced by dementia caregivers in this country. High education, lack of support, as well as taking care of patient with BPSD being the most prominent factors associated with burden. Therefore, burden should be regularly assessed among the dementia caregivers especially among those with lack of social support and manage family members with BPSD, as to prevent adverse outcome from dementia caregiving.

Journal of Rural Medicine ; : 182-188, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986389


Objective: We aimed to clarify factors associated with the ability to seek help among older male caregivers who care for women with dementia in their families.Patients and Methods: This information will inform strategies to support their continued provision of long-term care. Participants were 364 male caregivers recruited from three places: The study period was 2017–2018. We obtained ethical approval for this study from the relevant ethics committee.Results: The ability to seek help for care problems among male caregivers was normally distributed. We found that more than 90% of older male caregivers did not actively seek help to resolve care problems, suggesting that older male caregivers had problems with long-term care. In the high score group, health status and the number of emotional support persons in the household were significantly and somewhat strongly positively correlated. The low score group showed a significant and rather weak positive correlation between economic status and health status, and the number of emotional supporters inside and outside the household.Positive correlations for the high score group were self-esteem and depressive symptoms, and self-esteem and resources. Positive correlations for the low score group were self-esteem and depressive symptoms, self-esteem and resources, and resources and depressive symptoms.Conclusion: Male caregivers are more likely to seek help if they are employed or play a role in their community. Nurses also need to support male caregivers with positive words and praise to help them use available support and resources and continue to provide long-term care. It is important for healthcare professionals to observe whether a caregiver presents with depressive symptoms or has long-term care problems because older male caregivers do not seek help. Collaboration between caregivers and medical, long-term care, and welfare professionals is necessary. Direct and timely intervention is needed.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1523655


A tetraplegia caracteriza-se por uma desordem na estrutura da medula espinhal na altura cervical e exige cuidados que vão de aspectos físicos a cuidados mentais e sociais. Estudos comprovam que cuidadores são, na maioria, familiares do sexo feminino. A mulher cuidadora de seu cônjuge passa a sofrer com sobrecargas e perda de atividades matrimoniais. Objetivo: Compreender a percepção das mulheres principais cuidadoras de seus parceiros, que possuem tetraplegia decorrente de uma lesão medular, sobre as perdas ocupacionais. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo exploratório qualitativo, realizado através de questionário sociodemográfico e entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com amostra por saturação dos dados Foram entrevistadas oito cuidadoras que aceitaram participar da pesquisa e assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE). As entrevistas foram gravadas, transcritas e os dados analisados utilizando-se a análise temática de Bardin. Resultados: As entrevistadas informaram possuir idade entre 28 e 55 anos, sendo a maioria de religião evangélica e baixa renda. Relataram sobrecarga devido à rotina de trabalho integral e desvalorização do seu serviço, apresentando prejuízo no papel de esposa e realização do autocuidado. Considerações finais: As cuidadoras entrevistadas perceberam perdas nos papeis de esposa e no autocuidado, apresentando uma rede de apoio insuficiente, demandando maior participação do sistema de saúde, necessitando de implementação de novas políticas públicas

Tetraplegia is characterized by a disorder in the structure of the spinal cord at the cervical level and requires care ranging from physical aspects to mental and social care. Studies show that caregivers are mostly female family members. The woman who cares for her spouse starts to suffer from overloads and loss of marital activities. Objective: To understand the perception of women who are the main caregivers of their partners who have tetraplegia due to a Spinal Cord Injury, about occupational losses. Methodology: Descriptive and qualitative exploratory study, carried out using a socio-demographic questionnaire and semi-structured interviews, with a sample based on data saturation. Eight caregivers who agreed to participate in the research and signed the Free and Informed Consent Term were interviewed. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and Bardin's thematic analysis was used for data analysis. Results: The interviewees were between 28 and 55 years old, most of whom were evangelical and had a low income. They reported overload due to the full-time work routine and devaluation of their service, showing impairment in the role of wife and self-care. Final considerations: The interviewed caregivers noticed losses in the roles of wife and in self-care, presenting an insufficient support network, demanding greater participation of the health system, requiring the implementation of new public policies

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Quadriplegia , Caregivers/psychology , Caregiver Burden
Braz. dent. sci ; 26(2): 1-8, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1436557


Objective: this study aims to know the caregiver's perception of children's dental caries and their experience of accessing dental health services in children. Material and Methods: this research was an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional method and used a purposive sampling technique with a sample of 56 respondents. Data were obtained through a questionnaire and the sampling technique used purposive sampling with samples were all caregivers at Cahaya Tazkia Kindergarten, Yapita Kindergarten, and Aisyiah 52 Kindergarten Surabaya. Data were analyzed using a correlation Spearman test. Results: perceived benefit and self-efficacy had a significant correlation with the experience of accessing dental health services (p-value ≤ 0.05) with coefficient correlations were 0.168 and 0.936 respectively. Meanwhile, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, and the perceived barrier had no correlation with the experience of accessing dental health. Most male respondents in this research had a proper job to manage their children to go to dental health. Perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefit, and self-efficacy of women caregivers in productive age were good but the perceived barrier showed a high mean. Respondents with that characteristics did not have steady jobs. Conclusion: women caregiver between the age of 21-40 years old believes that maintaining oral health is beneficial and will result in an increased number of accessing dental health services for their children. But caregivers who were women and also did not have a steady job had barriers to accessing dental health for their children (AU).

Objetivo: este estudo tem como objetivo conhecer a percepção do cuidador sobre a cárie na primeira infância e sua experiência de acesso aos serviços de saúde bucal em crianças. Material e Métodos: esta pesquisa foi um estudo observacional analítico transversal e utilizou uma técnica de amostragem intencional com uma amostra de 56 entrevistados. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de um questionário e a técnica de amostragem utilizou amostragem intencional com todas as amostras sendo cuidadores do Jardim de infância Cahaya Tazkia, Jardim de infância Yapita e Jardim de infância Aisyiah 52 Surabaya. Os dados foram analisados por meio de um teste de correlação de Spearman. Resultados: o benefício percebido e a autoeficácia tiveram correlação significativa com a experiência de acesso aos serviços de saúde bucal (p-valor ≤ 0,05), com coeficientes de correlação de 0,168 e 0,936, respectivamente. Enquanto isso, a suscetibilidade percebida, a severidade percebida e a barreira percebida não tiveram correlação com a experiência de acesso à saúde bucal. A maioria dos entrevistados do sexo masculino nesta pesquisa tinha um trabalho adequado para gerenciar a saúde bucal de seus filhos. A suscetibilidade percebida, a severidade percebida, o benefício percebido e a autoeficácia de cuidadores mulheres em idade produtiva foram bons, mas a barreira percebida apresentou uma média alta. Os entrevistados com essas características não tinham empregos fixos. Conclusão: mulheres cuidadoras na faixa etária de 21 a 40 anos acreditam que a manutenção da saúde bucal é benéfica e resultará em maior número de acessos aos serviços de saúde bucal de seus filhos. No entanto, cuidadoras que eram mulheres, mas que não tinham emprego fixo, apresentavam barreiras para o acesso à saúde bucal de seus filhos (AU)

Humans , Child Health , Caregivers , Dental Caries
Dement. neuropsychol ; 17: e20220030, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430255


ABSTRACT The task of caring can negatively affect the physical and mental health; therefore, it is important to understand which factors are associated with burden in older caregivers of older adults. Objective: This study aimed to explore sociodemographic, clinical, and psychosocial factors associated with burden in older caregivers of older adults. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study developed with 349 older caregivers who were registered at a Family Health Unit of a city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Household interviews were conducted and data were collected on the sociodemographic (profile, family income), clinical (self-reported pain, sleep, frailty), and psychosocial (burden, family functioning, depressive symptoms, stress) characteristics of the caregivers as well as dependence on activities of daily living and cognition in the care recipients. Results: Women predominated in the sample (76.5%) and mean age was 69.5 years. The mean burden score was 18.06 points, with 47.9% above the cutoff of 16 points, denoting excessive burden. The bivariate model revealed associations between burden and financial insufficiency, family dysfunction, difficulty sleeping, pain, perceived stress, depressive symptoms, frailty, and multimorbidity among the caregivers as well as worse functional and cognitive performance in the care recipients. The controlled model revealed an association between burden and depressive symptoms (β=16.75; 95%CI 1.80-31.68). Conclusions: We identified an association between burden and depressive symptoms, underscoring the need for the planning and implementation of specific actions directed at caregivers in order to minimize the impact on health and to improve the quality of life.

RESUMO A tarefa de cuidar pode afetar negativamente a saúde física e mental, sendo importante compreender quais os fatores associados à sobrecarga em idosos cuidadores de idosos. Objetivo: Explorar os fatores sociodemográficos, clínicos e psicossociais associados à sobrecarga em idosos cuidadores de idosos. Métodos: Estudo transversal desenvolvido com 349 idosos cuidadores cadastrados nas unidades de Saúde da Família de um município do interior paulista. Foram realizadas entrevistas domiciliares e coletados dados sobre as informações sociodemográficas (perfil, renda familiar), clínicas (dor autorrelatada, sono, fragilidade) e psicossociais (sobrecarga, funcionalidade familiar, sintomas depressivos, estresse) do cuidador, bem como dados de funcionalidade e cognição dos receptores de cuidados. Resultados: Houve prevalência do sexo feminino (76,5%), com média de idade de 69,5 anos. A média do escore da sobrecarga foi 18,06 pontos, com 47,9% dos idosos cuidadores acima da nota de corte de 16 pontos. O modelo univariado revelou associação entre sobrecarga e percepção de insuficiência financeira, disfunção familiar, dificuldade de dormir, dor, estresse percebido, sintomas depressivos, fragilidade e multimorbidade, além de pior desempenho funcional e cognitivo dos idosos receptores de cuidados. No modelo controlado houve associação entre sobrecarga e sintomas de depressão (β=16,75; intervalo de confiança — IC95% 1,80-31,68). Conclusão: Identificamos associação entre sobrecarga e sintomas depressivos, de modo que é necessário planejar e implementar cuidados específicos a fim de minimizar o impacto na saúde dos cuidadores e favorecer a qualidade de vida.

Humans , Aged , Mental Health , Caregiver Burden , Aged
Rev. enferm. UFSM ; 13: 23, 2023.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1442296


Objetivo: compreender as vivências de cuidadores familiares de idosos em relação ao cuidado. Método: estudo descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, realizado em um município do Sul do Brasil com 14 cuidadores familiares de idosos dependentes. As entrevistas realizadas entre outubro e novembro de 2022 foram audiogravadas, transcritas na íntegra e submetidas à Análise de Conteúdo, modalidade temática. Resultados: os familiares assumem o cuidado de forma inesperada. Apesar de ele ser pouco compartilhado, a família, especialmente nos primeiros tempos, se reorganiza para apoiar o idoso. Com a vivência continuada da assistência domiciliar, os familiares percebem a sobrecarga, contudo, são capazes de (re)significar seu papel e demonstram que a experiência é fonte de aprendizagem e retribuição. Conclusão: profissionais de saúde devem estar atentos à forma com que o processo de cuidar de idosos se estabelece na vida dos familiares e desenvolver intervenções que os apoiem, diminuam a sobrecarga e ampliem suas fortalezas.

Objective: to understand the experiences of family caregivers of the older people in relation to care. Method: a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, conducted in a city in southern Brazil with 14 family caregivers of dependent older people. The interviews carried out between October and November 2022 were audio recorded, fully transcribed and submitted to Content Analysis, a thematic modality. Results: Family members take care unexpectedly. Although it is little shared, the family, especially in the early days, reorganizes to support the older adult. With the continued experience of home care, family members perceive the burden, however, they are able to (re)signify their role and demonstrate that the experience is a source of learning and retribution. Conclusion: Health professionals should be attentive to the way in which the process of caring for the older people is established in the lives of family members and develop interventions that support them, reduce overload and expand their strengths.

Objetivo: comprender las experiencias de cuidadores familiares de personas mayores en relación al cuidado. Método: estudio descriptivo, con abordaje cualitativo, realizado en una ciudad del sur de Brasil con 14 cuidadores familiares de personas mayores dependientes. Las entrevistas realizadas entre octubre y noviembre de 2022 fueron audiograbadas, transcritas íntegramente y sometidas al análisis temático. Resultados: los familiares asumen el cuidado de manera inesperada. Aunque rara vez se comparte, la familia, sobre todo en los primeros días, se reorganiza para apoyar al paciente. Con la experiencia continuada del cuidado domiciliario, los familiares perciben la sobrecarga, sin embargo, logran (re)significar su rol y demostrar que la experiencia es fuente de aprendizaje y retribución. Conclusión: los profesionales de la salud deben ser conscientes de la forma en que el proceso de cuidado del anciano se establece en la vida de los familiares y desarrollar intervenciones que los apoyen, reduzcan la carga y amplíen sus fortalezas.

Humans , Perception , Aged , Family , Caregivers , Caregiver Burden